A Donation from the Web Site. February 21, 2006
February 21, 2006
A Donation from the Web Site
It's so easy... Hi folks, just got our first donation through the web site from an Hopkins pal of mine, Ming for 2500 rupees...I think, at some point in the near future, each of us needs to make a push at our friend network to raise some money for paavima.org. All of us (at least the local crew) have agreed now, that new donations will only be used for material needs of the local operation...equipment, etc...Not travel or lodging. It really doesn't make sense to spend 1000 bucks on one of our tickets, when that single payment can set up an entire operation here. If we want to raise money for travel, we should do that individually and not use Paavima.org directly do to so. If any of you take issue with this, please say so. I think the local crew has signed off on it as has Kirk and Jason. So the engines have been picked up...let's hope there is money right behind them.
Other news is that many of the guys are taking off for Kalwella near Trino...already about 6 have left with more on the way. So I'm not sure how much off season training can happen...but I know a few are staying including Indika, Chamlie etc...
There is lots of talk in the village about the donation of 14 boats/engines and 70 tanks by SOS Malta in Polhena. The talk is that Madiha didn't get any because of the dive shack that we have set up. (The locals call it the dive center...) I have explained this to Thusita and others that this is not true...And to prove it I called Claudia in front of him and spoke with her. I really don't think they're donating equipment in the right way...everyone here knows that it's doing to be a dive operation for the Polhena Reef Garden hotel, which she's calling it a 'foundation for the community'. We'll see how many of 14 boats are left at the end of the season. Today I went diving with Charles, Prins and Chamlie.
Today I wanted to head towards Dondra and after running into Damit on the water, we headed out with them. The water around Matara is very interesting as even though the river is largely stagnant, it has quite a wide delta extending more than Km out into the ocean. Today prins explained something that makes perfect sense...A westerly breeze means diving near Madiha will be terrible...easterly means it will be good. Today the wind was going lightly west so we headed to about 2 KM of Dondra lighthouse. I called it Rubble Reef although 'Reef' is a bit of a stretch...lots of height, boulders and many fish...lots of splotches of what looks to be new coral growth, if I didn't know any better. So that, a few big lobsters, a giant red lionfish and a couple dozen man-o-wars, and the day was over. So now we have 3 way points and counting.
Tomorrow I have scheduled a meeting with the guest house owners of the area. We'll talk about the shack, the commission system and the business model. In exchange for their cooperation, I have guaranteed them a web presence. At sign in, they will fill out a form with information about their guest house, which we will list on our web site. I have visited about 12 of them and met most of the owners, all were friendly of course. But there has been talk that the dive shack will take away business, so that is something to be sensitive to. I'll let you know how it goes...
Tomorrow a river trip with Roshan...He just got accepted on to an oil tanker bound for Dubai. It's big money for him and he's tremendously excited...it'll be sad to see him go, but it's such a great opportunity. Ok, that's all for now. Phil
February 21, 2006